Orchestrate - The Mastermind

Elevate your brand, sky-rocket your nutrition business, and make money while you sleep

  Enroll in Course

A mastermind that will have you stepping up like a boss in your business, and thinking like a CEO.

Because life is too short to play small.

We are currently in the middle of a live round. Register your interest here for the next round.

But first, I have some questions for you:

Are you struggling to stand out amongst a sea of Nutritionists, each looking to make an impact?

Do you wish you had the clarity and confidence to grow your business, and attract those dream clients who want to work with you long term?

Are you frustrated from spending time on Google, trying to figure out how to grow your business, but are left more confused about what to do than when you started?

Do you wish there was someone who could show you exactly what to do to scale your business into a money making machine and how to do it?


I know what you are feeling right now, because I used to be you.

  • You are so over not knowing what to say to attract your ideal clients
  • You have great ideas but Google isn’t helping you figure out how to get them off the ground
  • You wish you could scale but you don’t know how
  • You want someone to bounce business ideas off, but you don’t know where to begin
  • You feel stuck in your business, but you know you are ready to take it to the next level
  • You are exhausted all of the time, and like your knowledge is being wasted
  • You want to create a dream life where you can juggle family and work, but you haven’t been able to make it work
  • You feel like you have tried everything, but haven’t gained any traction
  • You want support
  • You feel burned out
  • You need help

You wish there was an easier way.


Well, what if I told you that it doesn’t have to be this hard?

What if I told you that there was a way to scale your business so you could help more people without burning yourself out?

What if I told you that you could live a life of ease and flexibility, whilst helping those same people?

AND, what if I told you that growing your business in this way would be super easy to implement?

How would you feel then?

Pretty great, right?

Now I want you to fast forward 12 months, and imagine this…

  • You have created the business of your dreams
  • You have refined your business vision and mission to a place that sparks pride
  • You know exactly what to do to run a successful business
  • Getting up and going to work fills you with energy, enthusiasm and joy, not dread
  • Your dream clients keep on rolling in, with minimal effort
  • You are helping more people and making a positive impact, the way you’d always hoped
  • Your business is making money while you sleep
  • You know exactly what revenue will be coming in next month, minus the uncertainty
  • You finally feel in control of your business
  • You have solid strategies and plans in place to continue to grow and connect
  • You are able to work flexibly within the hours that suit you and your family
  • You have your business set up in a way that means you can take that dream holiday
  • You feel happy and excited when thinking about your business
  • You love your business and the life you have created
  • Well, you don’t have to imagine it anymore, because it IS possible.

I have scaled my own business successfully, and not only that, but I have mapped out the tried and true strategies that I used to grow my business to one that brings in a consistent (and easeful) multi 6 figures a year, so you don’t have to.

And now?

Well, now I am going to share all of my secrets with you, so you can do it too.


Orchestrate - The Mastermind

A powerful 16-week online course purposefully designed by me, Steph, The Natural Nutritionist, that will show you the exact steps that you need to take to gain clarity and confidence in creating a sustainable and highly profitable nutrition consulting business.

Say goodbye to struggling through without direction.

Say goodbye to endless research that leaves you more confused than when you started.

Say goodbye to years of the relentless hard work without moving the needle forward.

Say goodbye to burnout before you can enjoy the hard work you’ve put in.

And say hello to an impactful business of your dreams.

A business that makes you money while you sleep.

A business that allows you to be flexible so you can live life AND work on your terms.

A business that you love.

It is time to be the CEO of that business.

And it is time to start reaping the rewards.

Get started now!


Hi, I am Steph, the founder of The Natural Nutritionist.

I help hundreds of women around the world be their healthiest and happiest selves through my expert specialisation in hormone health, preconception to postpartum health, microbiome health, metabolic health, and functional pathology testing.

But even more important than that?

I have been mentoring Nutritionists, Nutrition Consultants and Health Coaches around Australia, teaching them the exact framework they need to:

  • Build a thriving business of their dreams,
  • Earn double their current revenue (and beyond!),
  • Streamline and scale their business so they are able to make money while they sleep

Business owners, just like YOU.

There are no instant-fixes.

And I would never promise you that.

But I have created a personal brand with over 100,000 followers on social media, a podcast with almost 3 million downloads, and my virtual clinic alone brings in multi-6 figures every year, while I work 3.5 days a week, so I know what works and what doesn't.

I know how to both scale a business and to be highly profitable doing it.

And I have mapped out the exact strategy and steps that it took me to get there, so you don’t have to guess anymore.

I want my success to become your success.

So, think of me as a business mentor in your pocket.

One who has been where you are.

One who can tell you exactly what to do and when do to it.

One who will teach you how to scale up to the business of your dreams.

You are not alone on this journey.

And I cannot wait to help you change your business and your life, for good.

I have already helped Nutritionists, Nutrition Consultants and Health Coaches around Australia to sky-rocket their businesses and make multi 6 figures every year, just like me.

And here is what they have to say about it…

Thanks to Steph's mentoring, I now have my own thriving nutrition clinic, which is profitable, and I feel very competent in my practice. If you're looking to take your business and/or clinical skills to the next level, then I can't recommend Steph Lowe highly enough.”

- Elly McLean

“Getting mentored by Steph remains one of the best investments that I have made in myself as a practitioner. Steph is in a complete league of her own and being mentored by her will push you to be better as a practitioner for your clients and for your business. Aligning with the right mentor who's been where you want to go will fast track your growth as a practitioner. The value that I received from Steph's group mentoring us far exceeds the investment that I made. If you are even considering working with Steph, do it! You won't regret it and you will not recognise yourself when you finish.”

- Solaine Douglas

Want to know if Orchestrate - The Mastermind is right for you?

This mastermind is for you if:

  • Youre currently studying or have completed a degree in nutrition, nutrition consulting or health coaching but feel like you need more confidence and clarity around the business side of things before youre ready to work 1:1 with clients
  • You’re already working with clients and looking to refine your personal brand and strategy and increase your offerings and remuneration
  • You’re in the health industry but you are stuck trying to figure out how to scale in a way that is sustainable and enjoyableYou have a strong desire to help others create optimal health with real food
  • You are willing to unlearn what you may have been taught at university
  • You have an autonomous research style and a regard for evidence-based care
  • You are available for a minimum of 4 hours/month
  • You have a passion for the highest standard of care

If any of these sound like you, then this mastermind will be perfect for you.

In fact, it has been DESIGNED for you!

Orchestrate - The Mastermind will show you exactly how to create a business that will drive both revenue and impact, how to be a CEO within that business, and how to create it sustainably and with longevity, ensuring that your business lasts long-term.

Through a series of in depth but easy to understand modules, and 8 x 1-hour online group sessions, you will learn the exact steps you need to take your incredible business to the next level.

I will be there guiding you through it all, so you can create a financially rewarding career that gets you so excited to get out bed in the morning, and that fills you with energy and passion to serve your community.

Inside this next-level Mastermind you will find:

Module 1: Sustainable Branding

In this module, you will learn:

  • How to create a rock-solid brand that supports more than your passion for health and wellness
  • How to become business savvy and unlock the key to your longevity in the industry
  • How to dive deep into your ‘why’ will allow you to make smart and sustainable business ongoing business decisions that make an impact

After completing this module you will know exactly who and what your brand stands for, and how to use that knowledge to build a sustainable brand with a solid foundation that will last well into the future.

Module 2: Beat the Business Burnout

In this module, you will learn:

  • How to run a profitable nutrition consulting business
  • How to avoid burn-out
  • How to set your pricing, avoid financial stress, and be paid what you are worth

After completing this module you will have clarity around what services you will offering your clients, how to set pricing in a way that makes you money and matches your worth, and how to do it in an energising, sustainable way.

Module 3: Expertise Consulting

In this module, you will learn:

  • How to consult like a professional
  • How to minimise your preparation and follow up time investment, and make more money per hour
  • How to gain the confidence and skills you need to actually work one-on-one with clients
  • How to create systems from the very beginning, allowing you to grow and scale with ease

After completing this module you will know exactly what is required to run a profitable business that is streamlined and efficient, that sets you up as the recognised expert in your field, and that allows you to impact and serve more people in a positive way.

Module 4: Cultivating Client Retention and Loyalty

In this module, you will learn:

  • How to develop a key retention strategy including high-value client programs, functional pathology testing, accountability and more!
  • How to ensure your existing clients commit to an initial 6-month journey, then continue to see you on a monthly or quarterly basis, and how to provide value for the whole journey!
  • How to create client loyalty and satisfaction before, during and after a consultation
  • How to create long-term relationships that will lead to ongoing referral streams

After completing this module you will know how to create a better client experience from start to end, that will help your client in a more holistic and sustainable way for the long-term, and how to ensure your clients rave about you to anyone who will listen!

Module 5: Accountability & Q&A

I want to ensure that you are incredibly clear on your business strategy and goals for the next 12 months, and that you have all of the knowledge and tools now, to help you reach them.

Therefore, in this module, you will:

  • Have direct access to our private Mastermind group
  • Be allotted to a support and accountability container, filled with an intimate group of like-minded women on a similar business journey
  • Receive further personalisation through business feedback, support and strategy sessions that will actually ensure that you stay on the path to business success, and,
  • Have direct access to Steph and the team, who will be able to answer any questions that you may still have in regards to your business journey and beyond

At the end of this module, you will feel confident and ready to move into month 5 and create the business of your dreams.

It’s time to scale.

And I cannot wait to see you (and your business) thrive!

But, that’s not all!

When you join Orchestrate - The Mastermind, you'll also receive these bonuses:

Bonus 1

A downloadable Orchestrate - The Mastermind workbook, which includes resources and tips to keep you clear and accountable on your journey, valued at AU$49.

Bonus 2

Free access to the Precise Pathology Preparation Practitioner Masterclass PLUS downloadable resources, valued at AU$300.

Bonus 3

Free access to the Understanding Low Iron Practitioner Masterclass PLUS downloadable resources, valued at AU$300.

Bonus 4

Free access to the Female Hormone Pathology Practitioner Masterclass two-part series PLUS downloadable resources, valued at AU$600.

Bonus 5

12 months access to the online portal which includes all modules, as well as the latest nutritional and health advice for your clients, valued at AU$2925.

Bonus 6

A virtual group with 12 months access to me, Steph Lowe, and The Natural Nutritionist team. Think of us as your business team on speed dial, ready to ensure your ongoing optimal health, valued at AU$3660.

Bonus 7

A 20% discount on all The Natural Nutritionist products, including additional educational modules and ongoing 1:1 mentoring sessions via Steph Lowe.

And another bonus?

Orchestrate - The Mastermind accounts for 10 hours of CPE points for members of the CMA.

Building a strong, sustainable and profitable business is easier than you think.

And with the right help, it can happen faster than you can imagine.


So, now I really want to know.

Are you ready to be the CEO in your business?

Are you ready to make more money and serve more clients?

Are you ready to make money even while you sleep?

Are you ready to have a greater impact and create the sustainable business of your dreams???

Well, you are just one click away from making this happen.

Get started now!

And just remember.

Forget the generic advice that you have heard from the "gurus" who do not get you or the industry.

Forget the guess work.

Forget endless Googling that leaves you more confused than when you started.

And, forget spending all of your waking hours trying to build your business but burning out.

Because Orchestrate - The Mastermind, is like no other mastermind available.

Not only do you learn the exact steps that you need to take to ensure you create a revenue-busting business that you LOVE, but you will also receive personalised support and advice so you can get there faster.

And even better than that?

You will have direct access to one of Australia’s leading Nutritionists - me, Steph Lowe, as well as my dedicated team who are just as driven as I am to help you sky-rocket your business through streamlined systems, a proven framework, and strategies and goals that are guaranteed to grow your business.

With our help, you will have the ability to think and make impactful decisions like a successful CEO within the industry, and take the business (that you love) to the next level.

Orchestrate - The Mastermind, is exactly what you need.

Want to know why?

We deep dive into personal branding

So you have a clear idea of what your brand stands for, your why, and so you have brand assets that speaks to your ideal clients.

We will teach you how to improve your qualifications and expertise using precise pathology and hormone testing, including preparation advice and result interpretation

So you can get to the root cause of your client's symptoms based on the evidence, minus the guessing, and help them to feel energised, happy, and like the best versions of themselves.

We will show you how to create a clear business and marketing strategy

So you can nail your messaging, all while scaling your business with clarity and alignment.

We will show you how to develop your confidence as a practitioner

So you are recognised as a trusted expert in your field, meaning that you can can serve your community with greater impact.

We will show you how to develop and implement client retention strategies that actually work, turning clients into long term partners

So you can do less work, make greater impact, and yet still grow your business AND your revenue streams.

In Orchestrate - The Mastermind you will have direct access to your own personal business mentor - me, Steph Lowe, and my incredible team, who will be able to provide you with personalised business advice as you need it, to see you grow.

Through fortnightly live coaching calls, and through your access to the private Orchestrate - The Mastermind group, you will never be left wondering.

And in the final module, module 5, you will have the space to ask any final questions you have to ensure that you completely ready to scale your business sustainably, with confidence and ease after the course has finished.

So, what are you waiting for?

Are you in??

Got a question about the mastermind?

I’ve answered your most common questions here.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will it take to see results?
In module 1, we provide you with actionable steps and strategies that you can implement immediately to see results in your business, however FULL results will be seen by the end of the course.
Where and when will I be able to access your mastermind? And how long does it go for?
Orchestrate - The Mastermind is fully online. It will run for 4 months, with 1 module being released each fortnight, however you will have access to the online portal for 12 months.
What qualifications do I need to have to join your mastermind?
Orchestrate - The Mastermind is best suited to graduated or soon-to-be graduated Nutritionists, Nutrition Consultants and Health Coaches. However, we have also had Chiropractors, holistic Nurses and Osteopaths join us and create successful, impactful and sustainable businesses upon completion.
Can I ask questions throughout the mastermind?
Yes, you can! You can ask any questions that you have in the private Facebook group for the mastermind. I respond to all questions in that group so all members can learn from one another, however as an added bonus, you will also receive the support and feedback from the other members in the Orchestrate - The Mastermind community who are on the same business journey. My team and I also hold regular live Q&A sessions in the group so you can get instant answers to any question that you may have, outside of the community group.
What can I find inside th online group: Orchestrate - The Mastermind?
Being a soloprenuer can sometimes be a lonely role, so the private group within Orchestrate - The Mastermind will connect you with a group of like-minded business owners who are on the same journey as you, who you can bounce ideas off, and who can motivate and encourage you as you grow your business to one that you love. You will also be able connect with me, Steph, and my team.
How much time will it take me to complete each module?
One module is released each fortnight, however it should take you around 2 two hours of work during this time to complete the module and the associated homework. This includes 8 x 1 hour1-hour online group sessions, facilitated by me, Steph Lowe, your mentor for the course.
When are these group sessions for this mastermind?
There are 8 x 1-hour online group sessions over the course of the mastermind. Sessions run on the second and fourth Monday of the month at 11am AEDT.
I don’t live in Australia. Will I still be able to complete your mastermind?
Absolutely!! All of our live coaching calls are recorded, and these are uploaded within 48 hours of the call. So you can access the learnings even if not able to attend live due to the time difference in the country where you reside. However, please note that nutritional advice, marketing trends, and business laws may differ across the world, so please ensure that you check with your local region to ensure that my recommendations suit your area.
Does this mastermind really work?
Absolutely! And it has been built to ensure that it works for you and your business, through teaching you the proven steps and frameworks that are required to scale your business in a way that works!
Can I access the content on my phone?
Yes, you can! You might find it easier to access on your desktop or iPad, however the course is also phone compatible.
What happens if I don’t do this mastermind?
If you don’t do the mastermind, then you may find yourself continuing just as you are now, hoping to get new clients, hoping those clients will stay on with you, and spending all of your time working in your business, unable to grow, and for very little financial rewards. You may have no clear business plan or business model, very little strategy, and you may feel like an unsupported, glorified administrative assistant spending three hours on every client with preparation, consultation and follow-up. And even worse than that? You may feel exhausted and burnt out while you struggle to make ends meet on $55K/year as a solopreneur. But the reason that I created this mastermind was so you don’t have to experience any of that. Because, this mastermind has been purposefully created to set you up in your own sustainable, profitable, growing business, right from day 1.
What if this program isn’t for me?
This course is 100% satisfaction guaranteed, because it works. My clients have achieved incredible results after completing the mastermind. However, because I want you to feel completely confident in making this investment in Orchestrate - The Mastermind, I offer a 7-day money-back guarantee. If, within 7 days of being enrolled, you decide that it’s not for you, I’ll provide you with a refund minus any fees paid to third parties such as Stripe. A refund will not be given for modules already completed, and will only be provided for uncompleted modules. Any requests for a refund need to be made within 7 days of accessing the course via email to [email protected]. A refund of your payment will result in your access to the Orchestrate - The Mastermind digital products, resources and community groups being revoked.
Still got questions?
Let’s chat at [email protected].

Get started now!

So, are you ready to scale your business and create more revenue and more ease in your life?


Then I can’t wait to see you inside Orchestrate - The Mastermind.

Get started now!